
We want you!

Actors, Designers, Directors, Playwrights, and more!

Kid Brooklyn Productions is constantly searching for new collaborators and new projects to develop. We accept submissions from all theatre artists. See “Submission Guidelines” for more details.

Submission form

    Tell us about yourself!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Which best describes you?

    Your Message

    See "Submission Guidelines" for more information about file uploads.

    Upload your resume (optional)

    Upload your headshot or work example (optional)

  • Submission Guidelines

    Kid Brooklyn Productions is constantly searching for new collaborators and new projects to develop.

    We accept submissions from all theatre artists:

    Playwrights: Please submit a script in a Microsoft Word or PDF file and please include your contact email, phone number and mailing address.

    Actors: Please submit a current Headshot and resume.

    Directors: Please submit a current resume and let us know if there is a project you are interested in working on.

    Designers: Please submit a current resume and a few photos of your work.

    Any other type of theatre artists: Send us a resume, a state of the kind of project you would like to work on, an idea, a dream project you want to develop. We would love to hear from you.

    Please send submissions to